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Earning an income through your own mail order business by Kathy Patrick There are many, many schemes out there that promise to make you money. If you do an Internet search of home-based businesses, for example, you'll find literally thousands of results. Try it and see. The trouble is, the sheer number of them makes it impossible for any one of those businesses to attract any all that many hits to their web site. The top hundred or so results you can see on your search page are from people who have jumped hoop after hoop and paid quite a lot of money to get their "opportunity" anywhere close to the top of the search results. It is difficult and expensive to do. So in the end, very few people are even going to see their web site. One option that is pretty popular, and touted by many as a means for generating cash flow in your business, is the use of FFA's, or other similar no-cost ad sites. These are the free classified ads on the Internet that welcome anybody's post. Trouble here again is the sheer numbers of ads. So unless you can guarantee that your ad is at the top few, it will never be seen. Anybody who ever posted to these free ad sites will tell you that the only reason they go to the site is to post the ad, not read anybody else's. This I can tell you from experience. With so many schemes out there, the vast majority of "opportunity" people are trying to sell you on something that promises to make you a lot of money, but rarely delivers. Almost anyone making money on these on-line get-rich-quick schemes has done it only through a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, and countless hours spent at the computer. Many of them work a full time job while they try to get their business started, and then go home and work some more on their on-line opportunity. It's a tough life. So, what is left? Mail order businesses, with their reliance on letters mailed out to "hot" prospects, meet criteria that the Internet can not. When you mail out sales letters, you at least know that your advertisement arrived in a mail box. The odds are very high the receipient will read your messsage. That's much better than setting up a web site and waiting to see if you get any hits. Your piece of mail will be seen. Guaranteed. A certain percentage of those letters will result in a sale, ranging from 1% to 6% or above statistically. Countless people just like you have earned a very good income just working that standard mail order success rate. If you want to see what mail order marketing can do for you, there are businesses set up to help you, right down to stuffing envelopes and doing the actual mailing for you. Fees can be minimal and at even a 1% sale rate costs only a fraction of the profit you can expect. It's certainly worth a try and could be the smartest thing you do to build your business.